The word for today is: Experience
Just to "Kiss" ( Keep it simple and silly).
My Story
Tired of being told what to do in all of his tours, highly experienced and knowleagable tour guide, Alex Rocha, decided that he would design his own tours where he will create experiences for visitors to Cartagena de Indias that will make them feel like they belong.
Have you experienced The Real Cartagena?
Born and raised in the "barrios de estrato bajo"...
... ( working class neighborhoods), this native of Cartagena, as a child, had no other dream than learning English, which positioned him today as a one of the greatest tour guides in the city and an ambassador to his hometown. This Cartagenero ( as locals are called), is all about being that bridge that will connect you with the culture of his city. Alex Rocha has a vast knowledge of his own town that he will immerse you in the waters of culture in his beloved Cartagena de Indias.
From airport pick ups to home hosted meals...
... to local parties and hands on experiences this passionate-about-people Cartagenero will make you have a memory of a life time. His tours are nothing but experiencing culture, beliefs, way of living, music, food, interaction with people and getting involved in the community by being another member of the family. His tours and activities have no other aim but to "Experience Real Cartagena".